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10 entertaining Facts About Flamenco Dancing

Flamenco dancing is a very favorite dance throughout Spain and it reflects a lof of Spanish culture. Below we look at ten facts intelligent Flamenco dance.

1. Flamenco has long been thought about part of Spanish culture, but its actual origins can be traced back to Andalusia. Extremadura and Murcia as well as Latin America and Cuba have contributed greatly to the amelioration of several forms of flamenco.

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2. Flamenco is thought about a unique compound of native Arabic, Andalucian, Islamic, Sephardic, and gypsy cultures.

10 entertaining Facts About Flamenco Dancing

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3. The period in the middle of 1869 and 1910 was known as the golden age of flamenco when flamenco music and dancing industrialized at music cafes (or cafés cantantes) for public performances. Tickets were charged for these performances, which grew in popularity throughout the region.

4. Flamenco music is an intrinsic part of the flamenco dance experience. Flamenco music styles, called palos in Spanish, are classified agreeing to basic rhythmic pattern, chord progression, mode, geographic origin, and form of stanza. More than 50 separate palos flamenco exist, yet some are hardly ever performed.

5. Flamenco dance is called "baile," while a flamenco dancer is known as a "bailaor" (male) or "bailaora" (female).

6. Some forms of flamenco dancing allow for improvisation by the dancer. Inspired by the rhythm and beat of the guitar and the handclapping from the audience, the bailaor erupts into spontaneous movement to match the mood of the song. This lends a unique ability to the performances of each dancer.

7. Flamenco dancing can be traced to the era of the Roman Empire straight through the writings of Pliny, Strabo and Martial who mentioned the Cadiz dancing girls and their use of castanets. (Castanets are a percussion instrument used in flamenco and other types of dancing to furnish a series of clicks and rattles.)

8. Classical flamenco lovers are requisite of the modern twist that flamenco has taken and believe that the performances are too staged and commercialized. Original flamenco dances are performed to small audiences of no more than 20 population and are never scheduled, whereas modern flamenco arranges scheduled performances for very large audiences.

9. Flamenco festivals are held in Andalusia in the summer-time, and the locals often break into spontaneous flamenco dancing at the varied pavilions set up for the occasion. This is often the purest form of flamenco that can be experienced today.

10. Flamenco dancing costumes vary quite widely. Women are ordinarily attired in black, red, navy blue or white dresses with many layers of ruffles and high heels. They wear their hair in a bun and place a rose behind their ear. Men wear black or red tuxedo undershirts with stretchy pants for leisure of movement. modern costumes tend to be more varied on the colour spectrum, along with colours like light blue and intelligent pink.

10 entertaining Facts About Flamenco DancingNC Classic 2011 Tube. Duration : 9.85 Mins.

Note: video ends at around 9:25. Also, I do not own any music used in this video. Bronze level, pro-am. Alyssa Cunningham and Dmitry Solomakha representing the Dance Center (Fort Mill, SC) in the 2011 NC Classic competition. - dancecenterusa.com Shown heat ranks: Waltz 111- 1st Tango 113- 1st Quickstep 121- 1st Samba 222- 2nd Rumba 226- 3rd Jive 233- 2nd Cha Cha 274- 2nd

Keywords: NC, Classic, North, Carolina, ballroom, standard, latin, dance, competition, waltz, tango, quickstep, samba, rumba, jive, cha, bronze, red, dress, Alyssa, Cunningham, Dmitry, Solomakha, the, Center, Charlotte, Fort, Mill, couple, 429, heats, 111, 113, 121, 222, 226, 233, 274, World, Promotions, Marriott, City

